The participants will receive a survey shortly before the course starts with questions around their experience with QDA Software, their current project and the type of data they are working with. To practice on your own you will need to download and install NVivo for Windows on your computer, using either an individual license, your institute´s license, or the free 30-day trial license. We use GoToWebinar/GoToMeeting for the sessions ( click here for system check). The participants will need a computer with access to the internet as well as an audio device and microphone to attend.

Integrating your data with hyperlinks and “see also” links.Introduction to cases and classificationsĠ9:00-12:15 (including breaks) Content Day 2.Between sessions: practice with your own data.Explore your data: text search and word frequency.Creating folders and importing files (Word Docs and PDF).Individual 30 min sessions in the week afterĠ9:00-12:15 (including breaks) and 14:00-15:00 Content Day 1.7h group training sessions (with recording).If needed, you can get access to a 30-day NVivo training license (see below). (The training is not suited for users of NVivo 12 for Mac). This course is conducted in English with the latest version of NVivo for Windows (R 1.7), but also fits users of NVivo 12 for Windows. All you need is a computer with internet access and audio to participate! Participate in our 2-day online course for NVivo, from your own office. This way, the content will be adapted to the needs of the group. It combines group sessions and individual follow-up sessions for a sound learning experience. This course is perfect for everyone who wants to learn how to use NVivo, how to successfully build a new project and explore and visualize their data.

You are working with qualitative or mixed-method data and wish your analysis would be more efficient, coherent, or transparent? You struggle with being overwhelmed by the amount, or mix of data types and need to know how to get started? You are doing your PhD and are required to use QDA-Software, and are looking for guidance on how to use it?