Download ios60 v6174 wad using File Share Search Engine. Here is a download link to a pack that has.

Use this only for a Wii bricked by a theme, corrupt system menu. 1 WAD Files are for upgrading or downgrading your Wii to firmware version 4. Please contact that user if you have any specific questions about the package. It is prepared by haruspex, also known as antiaverage on the GBATemp forums. The Wii Hacks Package is a collection of files meant to aid in hacking your Wii by following the instructions on the Hack Your Wii guide. That way, when the file is updated, users will always know where to get the latest file. To keep things simple, always link to this page when referencing the Wii Hacks Package. Tried to run one, and get the 'This Channel can't. Have got the Waninkoko WAD Manager 1.5 and managed to load a few WADs to the Wii. Discussion in 'Nintendo Wii / Wii U' started by nclifford, Dec. How to install Wad Manager and Wads FOR ALL WII's through 4.2,Easiest Video on Youtube. Proof that That IOS60 is in The System menu wad for RestoreMii. How to download ios60 patched wad file to my device? Click download file button or Copy ios60 patched wad URL which shown in textarea when you clicked file title, and paste it into your browsers address bar. Download cIOS Installer Xr19 (3.8MB) for Wii+U. Download the 4.1 WAD Files (MediaFire: Dec 13, 2009). IOS60 64 v6174.wad: Microsoft Windows 7 (Seven) Ultimate Edition 32/64-bit ACTiVATED: Microsoft Windows 7. Do you guys know if it's possible to create a patched IOS60 wad just like you can make wads legally. IOS60 Patch - what does it? Discussion in 'Wii - Hacking. In addition to the Wii Hacks Package, download the 4.1 WAD Files. In the upper-right corner is the current Wii Firmware you are running. Instale a IOS60 com o 'Wad Manager' usando a IOS249, s. Wii-mote: Up/down knop Schermselectie: IOS60-patched.wad Wii-mote.